
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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is there a mesh number limit for the plugin? i'm trying to import a big model with about 4000 meshes into ecotect. the running in ecotect was ok, but in grasshopper i got this.


Rhino 4 SR9

Grasshopper 0.8.0051


Hi Yi Lu,

we have a 5 minute timeout which releases the connection to ecotect to keep on working in rhino until the calculation is done.

So that means that ecotect will finish the job which was started. To reestablish the linkage just toggle the ecolinklink again.

So there is no mesh number limit at all just time you need to finish heavy calculations.




Hello [uto],
I need a way to import the results of the analysis of Resurce Consumption like Hourly Solar Collected, but I can't find the lua command.



value = get("results.solarabsorbed", hour)

Returns the radiation value after a calculation for the amount of radiation absorbed by the surface (W).


This property takes the following parameters.

The hour to retrieve, being from to .
Return Value(s)

Getting this property returns the following value(s).

A decimal value containing the specified solar value.
LUA Script Example(s)
value = get("", 21)

that means for our component " 21;"


are you looking for that?




Hi "to]" ;)

thanks for the advice,

now I'm working in this direction with an approximate calculation for thephotovoltaic by taking 12% of solar absorbed energy 

... you think it might go?

thank you very much
Best regards

Maurizio Arturo


I am getting a loading error in GH  and the Geco tools do not appear anymore :(

Below is the actual error message as well as my components folder and GH User Data Roaming librarie.

Not sure what to do?

Many thanks and best wishes,




Hi Arthur,

first of all i would recommend you to delete one of the kangaroo.gha (they are twice)

As i can see you are using a old geco release (it should have 150kb--> yours 62kb)

maybe you check the version number or you just download the actual release



Thank you so much Thomas! It works now.

I got the order wrong and installed Geco for GH 6 :S 

All the best,


Hi uto,


I am now trying out the SolarAnalysis example and found problem when working with multiple surfaces. See the attached image 2. It looks fine on the Ecotect analysis but somehow the color shown in Rhino is different. I suppose it is a problem of mapping the values? I could not figure out why, please help.

Eventually I would like to use this plugin to analyse a typical residential tower in Hong Kong and make changes to it.


1. single surface. Rhino receives correct value from Ecotect


2.multiple surfaces. All 4 faces are purple on Rhino.

3. input for multiple surfaces


Thank you very much,



Hi uto,


I need to refine my problem. I understand now I should not use Mesh Surface for a BRep even if I explode it. By meshing the BRep instead, how could I sub-divide each face on the BRep in the same UV manner? In that case I could analyse a particular storey from a building.


Please assume I have the outline of a floor plan and I am thinking to extrude it to get the facade surfaces.


Thanks again,


Hi Calvin,

sorry for the late reply,...

attached the file you are asking for.

if you have any question feel free to ask

cheers to]



Hi every one,

I have the same problem as Calvin but I'm not using a brep...I'm using multiple surfaces and meshing it...but the problem is, if I want to do a brise soleil with the rgb parameter it will fail because its wrog...the funny thing is that when I set srf per srf everything goes right. Why? How can I fix it?






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