
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Hey guys,

I've been reading a researching about geco for a few days but there is one thing I didn't manage to do yet.

I'm working on a project in Madrid (Spain). Since I couldn't find a WEA file in the Ecotect library, I've been trying to convert and EPW I downloaded from

Anytime I use those converted files (I already tried other cities like Milano in Italy) the Eco Sun Path component says "1. Something went wrong with the calculation!".

Any clue what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks guys

PS: I converted the files using the Weather tools from Ecotect and also tried it with the EnergyPluV8 Preprocess Weather Converter but didn't have any success...

Hey uto,

I'm making a skin for a project that changes some parameter of the form with geco + galapagos to create wider openings on a mesh. The only problem is, no illuminance values will fall on the analysis grid inside of the mesh, even though there are openings on the mesh that even show in ecotect's "visualization" panel. So my problem is not in the stage of optimization or anything, just getting illuminance values from the analysis grid in the first place.

Some more info:

These openings are not glazed yet, they are just open air. It's a very large amount of polys (~30,000) to send to ecotect, so I've been doing a lighting level instead of insolation calculation, or else it would just take forever.

I've read the discussions pretty extensively and haven't found an answer to this, so any assistance that could be offered would be really appreciated.

Included is the .gh definition with all internalized references so it should all work fine, but just in case it doesn't, a Drive link to the .3dm is below (too large to upload here.) If there is any other info I could supply to help just let me know.





I am trying to optimize shadings depth on a surface of a building in Mumbai. To do so I need a solar analysis on the façade surface using geco and ecotect.


The problem is that when I run the analysis, all zones including faced, shading, outside building and... are being analized . This significantly decrease the speed of the analysis. 

The grasshopper file is attached. I would be thankful if you let me know if there is any solution for this problem


from my post in this forum:

....It is possible to run the analysis just on selected surfaces. For that you have to export the environment and the too analyze object separately. First the environment than the object. After that you have use the solar analysis manually mode in ecotect. Activate the toggle for just selected object and start it once and stop it with escape button on the keyboard(sorry for that process but autodesk has a bug in the engine so that we still can not access that feature without this).

Afterwards just select the object and start the process in GH and geco.


I'm new to GECO and downloaded the latest version of GECO. I have Ecotect installed on my computer and got this error when I tried to do simple analysis such as sun path (see image):  

"1. Connection with running instance of Ecotect was not successful…"

I have "unblocked" the GecoLink file and tried reinstalling GECO. But this same issue comes up still.

I have seen another person posting about the same problem too. I wonder if this can be fixed or is the version of Ecotect the problem?




Hi Matthew,

sorry for the late reply, seems i do not get any information about new posts.

it seems you are just missing the ecotect start component which establish the connection between GH and Ecotect.


I have a big problem with EcoMeshExport.. '1. File for Export could not be created'

Can you help me? I am really in need for your help, please.




Why the result in geco is different from what I see in Ecotect?

I'm using the geco solar access example file, but the results are a little odd...Why the radiation in the center of a surface is blue? And the result in ecotect seems fine...

Thank you!

Hi tomas ,

there is a way to make a link (child & parent) between a wall and a windows ?? because it seems that ecotect read each object séparatly !!!! i tried to fix the link in ecotect but when we export a mesh to ecotect we can't choose two elements in the same time to fix the link between them , thanks 

Why do you want to do that?

What ecotect message box says is that you have overlapping geometries.

Add the window hole and you will not receive this error.

Hi tomas , 

Can you check the definition for me please maybe I had forget something.


Dear to[ :
I am an novice for Geco, Could you help explain the bar graph, especially the meaning of X-axis, I don't understand each bar represent what kind of subject and the number on top of it. And why the Y-axis only up to 80% of sun exposure? Many thanks!






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