
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

post here if you encounter any problems !!!

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Yes, I used your template but I have two problems:
- In the image below you can see that the presence of volume A does not affect the radiation on volume B
- Importing back the analyzed mesh to GH the colours are not the same as Ecotect

Thanks for your quickly response



- your rhino file is millimeter !! --> ecotect is using real world scaling

- your ECOSOLCAL was set to calculate only the 1st day of the year (so no shadow at this day)

- when you have multiple objects you have to flatten the meshfacelist


see attached images!!



Really thank u[to],you are very helpful!

Is it possible, in the same definition, to calculate the solar radiation of only 2 volumes considering however the shadows of the other one? 

In my experiments I see that if I export a mesh in Ecotect, this is always considered for the calculation.

Thanks again

It can be consider but you would have to change something first manual in ecotect.

Just search in this forum where we have described it already.


Hi [uto]

I'm tying to analyse my voronoi mesh with GECO, but it seems wrong

because the south faces are less exposed to the radiation than those to the north!

What am I doing wrong?



as mentioned several times:

always make sure that your surface normals are pointing to the skydome and not inward.

Hi to]!

I think my surface normals are pointing to the skydome as you can see

check this with CTRL+F9(F9 to turn off) in ecotect.

Because it could be than they are in wrong direction in Ecotect or you are using a weatherfile on the south of the hemisphere than the result would also be correct.

Vector are correct both in ecotect and in GH..I'm using weatherfile of Genoa in the north hemisphere..


checking finally your file i saw your skysubdivsion which has a very low setting.

In this case due to your low mesh resolution you have to raise this number to 50 to get a proper result which you can trust. It is a small path between speed optimization and proper results.


hi, anyone knows how to re-stablish the path to ecotect so eco-link works with rhino 5 gh 9.0014? 



Hi guys,
I have a problem on my machine, prtsc attached. It happed when I open gh file with geco. Do someone have something same? or may be someone have solved this problem?






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