
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I was starting to use gecko but It can't seems to load the weather file correctly from the ecotect folder the "insolation calcolation component" gives me this error "Data conversion failed from string to boolean"

What should I do?

Thx for the attention

Views: 465

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Firstly, you need to make sure that you are using the WeatherFile component and use that to feed the weather file to the EcoSolCal component. In order to change the weather file, just double click the WeatherFile component.

If you have already done that, then maybe you aren't using the .wea file format. If you have any other file formats like .epw or .tmy you need to convert it to .wea. You can do this easily in Ecotect:

If it is none of the above, then try to post a screenshot of your definition.

Good luck

I'll uèload as soon as I can but the weird part is that loading the very same .WEA file with the toggle in the EcoSunPath component it works like a charm...






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