
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can anyone explain the top graph in the Galapagos editor.  What do the colour bands relate to.

Many thanks


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As far as I understand it, the colors differentiate the quartiles that the fitness values of that generation fit into, with the middle red line representing the mean and the upper and lower red lines representing the maximum and minimum. It's kind of like a box and whisker plot with a "time" axis.

X-axis is time, or rather generations. 0 is the founder generation and so on ad infinitum.

Y-axis is fitness.

The thick red line is the average fitness for each generation.

The yellow region connects the weakest and strongest individuals for each generation.

The orange region represents the standard deviation from the average fitness.

The [+] symbols at the top indicate that at least one individual in generation X is fitter than the fittest individual from generation X-1.

The blue rectangle shows which generations are currently selected. The bottom three graphs display information from all selected generations.

Thanks for the explanation.  I have seen the bottom two graphs in some other optimisation programs but not the top graph.  I first came across this tool in 2010 but was rather slow in realising its usefulness.








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