
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to remake 2d evolutionary car ? I mean to set galapagos to wait at each genome x time to test it ? or is there another way to do it ?

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One way would be to set SubIterations to some high number (say 1000), so that it calculates many iterations before outputting the result, and then to supply the SimulationReset input with a list of 2 booleans (True,False), so that every time it resolves when Galapagos changes a value, it resets and calculates 1000 iterations in one go.

This should be much faster than actually displaying every iteration. 

Hi daniel! I'm trying to use your method but I have a question:

Could this approach be considered a mathematically correct optimization-process?

(also if I use a lower number of SubIteration like 50-100?)

quite "homemade", tried it earlier but to many iterations just blows my pc (amd 6 core) ;)

I would love if there was possible linking timer to galapagos for genome calculation interval. 


Other option would be to add condition (when fitness is x than start next genome).

Hey Mariusz,

Did you ever figure this out? I am having exactly the same issue...






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