
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

My final loft functions are working, but for some reason they're appearing broken. I can't figure it out, and would really love some assistance. I love all geeks and nerds that are wizards with designing with parametric software such as this, and am totally in awe of your abilities.

I have attached the .gh file below.

Thanks lots!

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Whats the error balloon say?


I'm not near my computer to re-check, but feel free to download the canvas and check it out.

I'll re-post a reply when I get back in touch with Grasshopper later today.

In the meantime, thanks very much for your help!


Hi Michael,

The error balloons say the same as each other, although at one stage I managed to have just one error balloon. Also, they both seem to "work", which is the strangest thing. I mean, the lofts are in place, and are highlighted for each element in the images I posted, so, I'm just a bit confused now.

On a different note, if I bake out the surfaces into Rhino, how can I get a 3D mesh surface to coat it all? Should this be done IN GH?

I've got an end goal in mind, but am stuck on the next stage of the process. (3rd project down)

Thanks for all your help.








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