
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi is there a Master drop down funtion list or somethng similar in GH? As a newbie it is frustration to puruse function pannels while trying to follow a video tutorial looking for a function that perhaps does not exist in the current version of the software.Currently I am using gh 0.5.0099 and looking for curve attractor...


many thanks

Views: 6255

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Hi Randy,

0.5 is way old, it has many bugs that have been solved in subsequent releases. You can download the latest version here:

If you double click the canvas in an empty spot, there will be a popup list where you can search for components. The search is pretty clever (not as good as Google I suppose though) and if you have a vague idea of what to search for you'll probably find it.

I don't remember if this feature was already available in 0.5.

There are over 500 components in Grasshopper, and that's not even to mention the 3rd party components of which there will be exponentially more and more. Would a single list showing all the icons be really helpful during searches?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Command: GrasshopperComponentList

Hi David. Thanks for your note. I am using a couple of versions of grasshopper and I do have the latest build. I do appreciate that components come and go for a variety of reasons, but as a newbie I am somewhat dependent on tutorials and other documentation. To be honest, an alphabeticised master drop down list (26 basic catagories) would narow any search of any alphabetic list when compared to randomly searching through 300 + items. Fortunately rhino has the GrasshopperComponentList command, though it is not clear to me if lists all compoenets included in grasshopper + addons or plugins. For some reason, the popup search function you mention does not seem to work in my installation. Any suggestions....?

Yeah I get this issue too, maybe a search where you could search what the input and output are






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