
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

In the attached files, both calculation results output by functions are wrong.
Did I miss something about functions ?

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Don't use 'e' as the name of a variable. Grasshopper think's you're trying to use the mathematical constant e.
Thanks Vicente.
Now this is pretty nasty : there should be big flashing warnings about this...
Don't give David ideas for new icons to draw.
The new version of Grasshopper has overwritable variables. First, all the constants (e, pi, phi etc.) are declared, but if you then decide to use a variable of your own called e, pi or phi, the value will replace the constant.

David Rutten
Leusden, Holland
Hello Vicente!
Could you explain how to create math surfaces using functions components if I have a function expression.
I take the math function expressions from Wolfram's website and write them inside of a GH function component. But have no idea how to proceed. What components do I need to input/output to a function component?
First you need to know the parametric equations and the uv domain you want to represent.
For example, i want to create an Enneper surface, i know the parametric equations are:
x = u*cos(v)-u^3/3*cos(3*v)
y = u^2*cos(2*v)
z = -u*sin(v)-u^(3)/3*sin(3*v)

and the domain i want to display is:
u: 0 to 1
v: -PI to PI

One way of creating this surface would be like this:

The expression component must be set to "cross-reference".
Although it doesn't look pretty, to simplify the definition i concatenated the 3 equations using the syntax to create directly a point from an expression component, this is "{x,y,z}".
Thanks a lot for your explanation.
I haven't got the logic of building that kind of definition.
Why do we need the Addition component?
Why did you input 20 to the Range components?
Why did you input 1 to the Addition component?
What if I don't have u and v variables but have only x, y, and z variables like in a Schwarz IsoSurface:
where x: -4 to 4,
y: -4 to 4,
z: -4 to 4.

Thanks in advance.
What the definition does is to create a grid of points in 3d space that corresponds to the shape of the surface, then i interpolate a surface through these points.

20 is the resolution of the surface. If i divide an interval in 20 steps, i end up with 21 numbers, so i'm creating a grid of points that consists of 21 x 21 points. Since the surface component asks for the number of points in the U direction, i get the number "20" and add 1 to end up with 21.

If you want to create an isosurface, it's not as easy since the points can't be arranged into a grid. You can display the boundary points of the surface easily but to create actual geometry you need something like a marching cubes algorithm. I did a definition for it but it works really slow. An alternative can be to bake the points and use rhino's mesh from points command.
Thanks very much.
I will try to experiment.
Hi Leonid,

Here is a definition I made awhile back to make several common parametric surfaces. It is of course quite similar to the one Vicente made. Many paths to the same goal!
Thank you Chris. I am really interested in implementation of math surfaces for parametric design.
I will explore it.






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