
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello dear readers and experts. 

i'm just stuck with tons of problem and that for sure id because of the lack of knowledge but i'm trying to catch up . 

so basically i'm trying to generate a surface (pavilion) and from that i want to fabricate it using some paper or card bored . 

  1. for modeling the pavilion i used a simple kangaroo based algorithm to generate the desired form using mesh 3d plane faces . there was no problem with this part and i was able to get the mesh from geometry out put . then i wanted to use that output mesh to panelize it and then adding tabs and the nesting and cutting to get the parts. but the problem was every tutorial i looked up were using surfaces to panelize and nest so this was the first problem to convert the mesh into a surface and then panelazing and nesting . i tried using the mesh2nurbs but it didn't work out for me . (because i needed a single surface not some poly surfaces) . (attachment | input mesh ) 
  2. so i started from the beginning and tried using a surface as an input for kangaroo and thus getting a surface as an output so i did that and tried to create a surface by the Surface from points component . and the result was not good the surface was kinda messed up and the the reason was the points were not ordered well i guess . so this was another problem for me . (attachment | input surface)(picture below)

so basically i have a few main questions : 

1. is there a tutorial or any topic or book or somthing that explains from 0 to 100 from design to fabrication (as an example a pavilion) ? 

2. can i use the mesh to panelize and nest and then fabricate ? and are there any tips or tricks to it ? 

3. is the starting from surface for me a good idea or not ?

i am extremely sorry for talking this much and i'm grateful for the time you spent on reading this . 

best wishes ; Babak.


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Thanks alot tom for your time ; 

that's great i would absolutely be happy too try the ASTools new component . its definitely worth the wait . 

and thanks for the 3dm file . the problem is i exactly want the mesh/surface to be like the kangaroo output (compression only or tension) so that later i could structurally analyse it . 






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