
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello to everyone,
im a design student, and i was trying to make a parametric Acoustic-FOAM pattern



but i didnt find way to create it yet. Did someone have an idea how it can be done on a double curved surface or even on a sphere?


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Ive tried the tool surfacedeformation and here's what i got. Again really nice texture but same trouble at the end sides of surface.

until you get the edges right, you could just make a square above the surface and scale it using the centroid of the srf....and just trim it........if the scaling factor is according the srf size, you probably get a seamless surface to deform...........dirty solution, but it will get you moving on
Well, if it works any idea is good. i m goin to try it. That i think will works for the square surface but not for the sphere. I was thinking to cull points and flat them on the edges but i dont know if it works this indeed. let's see workin on it. thank you again for the reply Yerko.

I would love to see this definition updated for the latest version.

You should be able to reproduce it in the exact same way with the latest GH version.

Getting this error message...Syntax error: Function Sin can only be called with a numeric parameter

You are using the Deconstruct Plane component, you have to use the Deconstruct Point component.

 It returns an error because the formula is expecting a number and you are feeding a vector.

Alternatively you could connect directly the uv output and retrieve the u and v values by typing the suffix .x and .y after the name of the input.

Thank you!

Now I'm getting another error: Expression generated an error for (u, v, a, b): Right hand value of operator * is Null.

OK, I'm new at this!

Getting two errors, first this: 1. Expression generated an error for (u, v, a, b): Right hand value of operator * is Null

And this: 1. Numbers cannot be added to vectors

The second error is because you are using the addition component. You have to use either the multiply component or the amplitude component.

The first error is because there's something wrong in the formula or you are feeding null values. From the previous screenshot the formula looks good.

Have you changed the formula? Is the surface trimmed?

I'll bet on that you are referencing a trimmed surface and that's the problem.

Oh, I see. The surface was untrimmed, but had coincident points. Imported a new surface and it worked. I appreciate all your help! New definition attached.







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