
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am getting started with a project and I am stuck ...
The problems are :

1)I have some attractor pionts and lines and I want to deformate a geometry of lines and solids using these attractors. I mean to attract or reppell the given geometry towards or against the attractors respectively, and thus create a deformation on the geometry .

2)The second thing is, how can I use attractor points to create a field of attraction which will attract and deformate curves , thus creating some areas with a high density of gathered curves and some others with a low density of curves . More or less like the effect that a magnet would have on linear iron elements ( I uploaded a picture to make sure you understand what I ask for)

I would be grateful if you could give me some tips. Thanks!

Views: 604


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Have you played with the magnetic field components in the Vector tab? They let you use attractors to do the type of things you're talking about, though I've only used them to orient fixed groups of solids relative to an attractor. Someone else may have more experience with these components than myself to do something with curves like you're talking about.






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