
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm trying to fit a grid to a mesh in GH. I follow the sample file FromFitGrid on the uto group, but it seams that in my case the grid is not fiting the 3d object. Her is a screen shot of the GH definition. You can also refere to the attched files. The rhino file is a V5.

Thank you all

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Hi Claudio,

it also doesn't work for me in XZ direction but it works in all other directions.

Maybe you can use the Eco2DGrid instead or you just rotate your model 90° on the XY plane.



Yeap indeed, It seams really strange. Do you know where I can get Geco tutorials, the sample files are missing some explanation in my opinion. I must say that I'm not getting good results with this plug-in....Its may be the lack of knowledge on my side...

thank you Martin for your help and time


Hi Claudio,

you're welcome.

Geco example files you find here (maybe you already recognized them).

With bad results you mean the results in comparing with other programms, or the results between Ecotect and the reimported results in Grasshopper?



By bad results I meant that I've being comparing DIVA ( and Geco. Geco is giving me strange results in comparison with DIVA. But I must say that is probably me, who is not doing it right. Also I noticed that the results from the example files and the results that I get are a bit different, maybe its because of the difference in versions of Geco. But still, I really think that I can break trough and understand how Geco works, its just a question of time.

I'll keep trying and posting question in this forum

thank you again Martin








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