Does anyone have GH way of finding and identifying the neighboring cells? I'm sure a VB version is the more straight forward way, but I'm interested in a pure GH def. way...
I was trying to find it trough a intersection of curve and the neighbor cell, but I've got kind of lost...
Great one. One of most impressive gh solution ever seen here :D
Permalink Reply by taz on November 24, 2010 at 2:53pm
The screen grab is a bit convoluted so I'll attach the definition. It's fairly concise, but I'm not sure how robust it is. i.e. I haven't tried it for anything but the basic quad setup.
The labeling shown is just for illustration purposes but it shouldn't be too hard to see how the data is generated.
Basically its some fancy tree work. Long live data trees!
I have an another question! (please bear with me:o)
I was assuming that this should give me the result of all possible neighbors in one list!?! But I get a mismatch in the pattern as I've highlighted in this image...
any suggestions?
Best regards
Permalink Reply by to] on November 28, 2010 at 3:36am
just use my def and you will get the right solution