
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Does anyone have GH way of finding and identifying the neighboring cells? I'm sure a VB version is the more straight forward way, but I'm interested in a pure GH def. way...

I was trying to find it trough a intersection of curve and the neighbor cell, but I've got kind of lost...


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Actually, my ultimate goal is to make a list of edges and a list of angles between two faces with a common edge. Data from this list would then be used to chamfer two adjacent faces by an angle-dependent value.

So that is why I think that your stuff could be useful to me. I can't really figure out any other way how to tell grasshopper "find adjacent faces, give an index no. to the common edges and then measure the angle between each two adjacent faces with corresponding index no." With this then I believe I would be able to finish my task.

Hi Taz,

I have been trying to work out a similar method and came across yours. For some reason the links to your posted definitions do not work.

What is the expression you wrote for the function between the list item and tag?

Is there any way for you to repost?  



You want me to track down a definition from almost 4 years ago? With the hope that it still works?  Bwaahahaaaa...

Anyway, the expression was just formatting for the labels and probably was something like:

format("{0}_{1}", x, y)

dear taz,


I guess i´m not the only one , who admires your work,

but i´m the one who don´t understand this fantastic defintion. (:

i try to plug it to a definition that i'm recently createtd,

but unfortunatly without success.


as you can see in the pict (and def.) ,

I marked the area that I don´t understand.

would you please explain it?


thanks a lot.







It's easier to debug if you also include the rhino-file... anyways, it seems that your input to the path-mapper is not corresponding the one inside. Try to match the path-mapper input and output! (or upload the rhino file and I can take a look at it)


Best regards


dear ali,


you can open my def. it doesn't need his one rhino-file.

in my file i just pluged the definition from taz without

doing anything with it.


i try to solve the problem...

if you have a solution,

please let me know.



OK, I tried to open the file before but I get some error message! (which version of GH/RH are you using?)


Anyways, as I mentioned before. I'm sure that the input is not corresponding the one inside the path mapper.

What you have to do is to:

1st make sure that the input to the path mapper is corresponding to what you are mapping (use the param viewer to map your path) for every {0;0;0...} you write a corresponding letters {A;B;C...} and for the output you use the letter corresponding the indexes.



Path {0;0;0;1;0}

in {A;B;C;D;E} out {D}


I hope this clear things up;o)



... well I couldn't open your file properly and it was little heavy;o)

See if this file can get you on the right track!



couldn't help but to get on the simplicity wagon. see the attached :)

...nice work. Sometimes it's just frustrating, you can do the same thing in so many ways in GH. Keep up the good/simple code;o)

on the other hand its fantastic :D

dear ali,


thanks a lot for your efforts.

your definition works very well.

is it possible to numbering the edges

according to the cell-mid?


very nice.








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