
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Find the highest, or point on boxes and then generate curve from it

Hi i generated this landscape of boxes, in which I need to find the highest point on each box, then string them together into a curve to create a surface network, from the points. Can someone help me with this? thanks

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Replies to This Discussion

I added graph mapper to improve smoothness of your surface (left - yours, right - mine). I also flattened grid points, just to keep things clear, and because each "row" of boxes had different mapping domain. I didnt use explode brep component because of large amount of time needed to compute - instead I used bbox and extracted its top vertices to find their average point - this is your top point in every top face center. 


thanks for both of your help was very useful ^^

Hi I have another problem, in that I want to edit or modify the edges or the curves of the srfgrid so that it has a smooth slope touching the ground on all 4 sides (gentle sloping hill) how do I do this?

I tried to rebuilt through networksrf in rhino and didnt work, and trying to srfgrid when i altered it doesnt work either.






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