
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hey guys, this is an interesting one. as you can see in the video, there is an infinite number of surface passing through the box. all of which are between 0 and 1..if the bounding curves are reparameterized. I am looking for the one surface which has the specified point on it. obviously there is only one surface like this..

I am looking for the distance between the point and the closest point on surface to be 0.

I thought about using galapagos to find the closest point on surface.. but can only come as close as 0.005 which is not the correct surface..

any idea??

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attached is a video demonstration


I would say .005 is good number meaning you should always allow for tolerance in real world applications. Even a display of the text "0" is not necessarily exactly zero in a computer. To me it seems Galapagos is the way to go. I am getting around .003ish.

I agree for the specific example, but I'm actually doing this as a way to "parameterize" a warped space and morph whole geometries. sort of like a reverse cage edit..

so I would have hugee point clouds and mapping each point in thos method is not the right way to go..

the logic would be similar to "closest point on surface" where it searches an infinite number of points on a surface for the closest one..and finds it in a milsecond..i'm not sure how that algorithm works.. but I would think its  the same logic..

Sorry if I misunderstand. But could a box morph not do what you mean?

 I'm not using a twisted box ( twisted is defined by only 8 points in space)

I am using a fully morphed box..meaning that the "inner" isocurves are also curves and not lines. its like a morphed space.. I want to extract the uvw coordinates ffor each point..






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