
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

List start to horizontal direction instead of vertical direction


I have a little problem filling a space between 2 lofts (image: help1).

What I did:

1. I made a loft in grasshopper.

2. I divided the loft, made a subsrf (isotrim) and i removed elements out of the loft to make some holes in the loft. (image: help2)
3. I moved the loft (step 1) in the x-vector to create a second loft. I divided this loft the same way as the first loft.

Now my question is: How can i fill the space between the two lofts, without the holes disappear?

The last thing I have to do is define a height domain where the 'random' holes appear. The only problem is, the list starts at point 0 to the vertical direction. I want the listto start in the horizontal direction, so I can start my domain from the for example second row.

Thanks in advance.

Views: 1427


Replies to This Discussion

Huh, I thought I saw some replies to this earlier... (Edit: aha, you started a new discussion)

Hi Alptug, how is this?


Thank you very much. I resolved this 10 min ago, i was playing some more when i found the 'extrude' option. I was thinking about this for almost 5 hours today. But the sollution was quite simple.

Now the only thing that i have to fix is to make the holes appear semi-random. At for example at 30% - 80% of the height, or between fixed heights.

Thanks again for your effort.

Edit: New question

I tried to use the 'flip matrix' but it didn't work. Are there other methods?

Is this question related to the 30% - 80% of the height-question? What's the list you're trying to flip?







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