
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've made a definition that try to show some basic ways to use new field components present at GH 0.9.0005. For sure, it will not be useful for advance users.

It's not some kind of aerodynamics analysis (be careful using it like that). It's only a charge field with some stream lines and field direction representation.

 The definition is inspired in the video uploaded by Luis Fraguada here:




Sevilla, Spain.

Views: 15180


Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for sharing! Very useful... ;)

Nice Work!

Thanks, great introduction!

Thanks for solving my great mystery. 

Hi Angel + Others,

I've been using this tool with good success for exploring some forms. I'm now trying to use the same one but scaling it up significantly across a site. The field lines appear to be quite a bit shorter proportionally now than the example above and my previous explorations. How does one go about fixing this to generate longer field lines?

Much appreciated.







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