
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys, 

I wanted to have sth like the attached picture , it is Fibonacci inscribed in rectangle 

Thank you, images.jpg

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Thanks, let me see, I am playing around now with my concept, maybe combination of ramp the trussed one with what I had earleir, the rectangle .

can i have instead of the square , any rectangle i mean different dimension on sides, on the lofted one the first GH you shared with me. thanks , I think in my site plan I have to go for rectangle instead of square

Peter I really appreciate it if you can help me to update you C# the first one (lofted) to create rectangle, I have attached PDF . is it possible that rectangle gradually turns to square at the top, like the PDf. 

Sorry to ask too many questions, this is the last one, try not to bother you more. 

In meantime , I m checking out the C# tutorials to see how can be done, must be easy, you have in your script: Double, recHalfdomain

Thank you

C# Tutorials? Well ... er ... hmm ...

Get it (BUT read comments inside about a possible  "red" faced C# : not all values yield result something)


Thank you very much! 

Yes I watched one now and created few points, just began, but I keep it.



In the mean time > your ramps and on the making (easy) but I have a feeling that this route is a case for Alice.

It's more than probable a spaghetti of ramps (hideously expensive) - see what Big Brother has to say (yellow is the ramp projected axial rail).


Indeed square ddoesnt meet the requirement FAR


Ramp case closed: a quite complex rail definition (99% of the job) is finished. Sweeping profiles is obviously the easy part. But ones of the the profile tested is rather stunning (follows the "tapered" floor side). 

Rails are obviously defined with slope adjustments at start/end: Imagine a rail ramp curve made via, say, 20 control points: at start p0 is not moved,  p1 is moved half the step ....  p19 is moved half the step*17 and p20 is moved the full distance. Thus we have what is called "slope adjustment" in our trade.

a myriad of options controls where the spaghetti starts (curve.PoitAt(userControllableT)) what is the continuity mode (sequential  or steady[shown]) and what type of profile is used for the sweep.

BTW: I was thinking to out curves (rails) and profiles and let you finish the job but unfortunately poor old GH can't make zero twist planes (despite the claim). That's a well know bug long long time ago.

Correcting these wild animals  (i.e. "zero" twist planes by GH) is impossible without code (and a lot of other things when this is finished).

See any difference? (Peter's zero twist planes(C)(tm)(US patent pending) used).

But on the other hand, maybe GH does the right thing: I mean a "twisted" ramp may add to the pleasure:

if(anti_gravity) use_ramps; else Print("Sorry");

he he

Hi Peter, you did a great job, these are the right case, but can I have the GH file , thank you very much for all your effort. 

Thank you

Not ready yet. As I said many times going from the abstract to some stuff somehow related with some reality (the ramps in this case) ...

... it's not like going from A to B. It's like going from A to Z+.

Just consider what happens if the floor perimeter length is not sufficient for developing/applying the ramp.

Just consider some way to support the ramp (anti gravity = OFF) and what this means to the struts required for supporting the skin.

Just ...

Moral: AEC stuff and abstract ideas they have NOTHING in common. 

I see, your right, it seems all right in the pictures youve pposted, 

Thank you






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