
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


The triangular grid component gives only grid centers as points output. Is it possible to have the corner (node) points as an output as well, similar to the square grid component?


(Eagerly waiting for the next realease!)

Views: 1496

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You can use Curve Start Point on the grid cell curves. Is that not what you're after?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

hmm. Yes, I checked and I can get the points that way.

But then why do you choose to output the corner points for the square and rectangular grids but center points for triangular and hex grids? It would be easier if there was consistency across these... And, one could argue for a need for center points in a square grid too.

Moreover, the icons for the tri- and hex grids show points on the corners, similar to the square grid. This is a small issue but it did add to my confusion.

This solution would result in 6 points overlapping at almost every location. I think start or end points solution is more elegant.

I know, thought you may want the points individually for each triangle for surfacing or meshing.






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