
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Due to large amount of self-replicating ;) same questions, I suggest to create a FAQ section. Treat this topic as quasi-poll at first (technical stuff to be discussed further).

pros: clean forum, only substantial discussions

cons: nobody reads faq (I do!)

Views: 494

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I'm for it, I don't know anything about website design, but I feel like if the search bar was bigger, or just somehow more obvious it would save a lot of questions as well, So maybe a FAQ page should also stand out more obvious on the page. Just a thought.

off topic kinda i will love to have a components dictionary with an image of the component/icon/text and what it does, so the inputs and outputs, and the place the component its located

your comment further proves why a FAQ would be helpful, as this has been discussed many times here.

I wrote something like this in polish tutorial for some components, no problem to translate it. This will be even more helpful if it would be provided as gh file with simple examples (see path mapper help)

There is also this, which seems pretty dormant.

I'm sure putting FAQ's on a wiki page will bring the wrath of the wiki police.

would it surprise you if i said there is a "common questions" section already. see if you can find it :)

by no means am i saying this is in the right place or has the recent content but the fact that not many people know about it suggests that in its current format it's not working

When I said right content it should have read "recent"

thats a good start, but why on tutorials ?!

What I would like to see is a pinned discussion in discussions section.

There is some space on the McNeel Page for this:

Scott Davidson set it up for us, but we need some initiative to get it going...time time time

It needs a structure, formatting, etc.  There was some momentum, but everyone is busy.  Below I link to various discussions which have had nice ideas and intentions...

Some links to previous discussions surrounding this issue:

Hi Mateusz

Is you polish tutorial available (or on-demand only)? Could you, please, post the link?



here is my polish tutorial-dictionary. you can find more tutorials there.






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