
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm exploring Karamba, trying to develop tensile models, and I have some doubts about working with meshes simulating fabrics. 

With cables I'm turning the bending off with 'modify element' and prestressing them till having no compression forces (with a negative value as 'initial strain')

But, with meshes, is there any option to put hinges in the nodes attached to other rigid elements to let know karamba that we have there articulated nodes?

And, related to prestressing the mesh, I have noticed that it's done in both directions at the same time. The thing is that if we introduce negative values as 'inicial strain', the results obtained in 'von mishes stress' are tractions, but if we look the 'principal stresses' in directions 1 and 2, we have increasing compressions. Why is this?

Using positive values as 'initial strain' (which makes no sense) results in 'von mishes stress' are compressions, but 'principal stress 1 and 2' returns traction values...

I will be gratefull if anyone has advices about how to simulate fabrics properly.

Thanks a lot!



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Karamba its not free anymore so you can get help from original developers... maybe post on Karamba group?

or maybe try with Kangaroo? 

old post for old version but it cover the basics:

Hi Cristina,

I am working to model a simple wind bracing system and I'm following your suggestion of "turning the bending off with 'modify element' and prestressing them till having no compression forces (with a negative value as 'initial strain')". 

I wanted to ask you if I have to find manually the prestressing value for each different truss to reach a null normal strain and if it is normal that if I change the prestressing value for a truss also the adiacent one will suffer a change in the normal strain.

Thank you in advance,







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