
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How can i finish my script and have my surface extruded? I want something like offset loose, but with extrude. 

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Your definition has no Geometry so its very hard to get an idea about what you want to achieve.

Something to note is that the 3D point from the Centroid of the Surface needs to be "Translated" into a 2D reference (UV) for the Surface Space. You can use [Surface Closest Point] and plug the uvP output into [Evaluate Surface]. But the simplest method to get the Normal at th ecenter of a surface is to <Reparameterise> the Surface Input and use [MDSlider] which is (0.5, 0.5) by default.

It should then be straight forward to plug this Vector into the Direction input of [Extrude]

I added the rhino surface.

I have the same problem. I dont want those gap between extrusions to happen. I want offset loose, but for extrusion.


If you dont want these gap , ( betwin surf ) there is a simple way to do this :

1- do one offset at the base surf

2- divide Offset like  base surf ( use the same parameter )

3- extract all Edge of the surfs

4- then Loft Them


I suggest you read this post by David to make sure that when you ask a question you include all the relevant information the first time.

As I still don't really know what you require is this any closer?


Yes. This is what i was looking for! thanks

Note this only works in this case because the sections are circular.






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