Ok, I have the feeling that the answer to this is probably right in front of me but I've already clocked 30+ hours today working on other things and not everything upstairs is working as smoothly as I would like...
What I would like to to is create a series of .AI files directly from GH that I can then use as keyframes for an animation I'm working on. I've gotten all of the relationships between the individual elements pegged down (see Attractor Fan w Hatching.ghx; I annotated all the steps so hopefully my goals are pretty clear) and I've started playing with the .ghx that
Louis Gadd posted (with elements from Marc Hoppermann's post [and Damien Alomar tweaks]). My problem is that I set up the original definition to be controlled by a slider.
What I think I need to do is create a series of evaluation points for the attractor point and then find a way to link individual eval. points to equivalent export files, i.e. file: 5-0.AI contains the geometry at point 5, 5-1.AI contains the geometry at point 5.1, etc.
My practical VB knowledge is non-existent so while I think this should be a relatively easy thing to accomplish in theory I haven't the foggiest in terms of how to actually do it myself. Is there a non-VB route I could take? Any advice would greatly appreciated (and you'll get a mention in my thesis, which has to be an exciting proposition...).
BTW, I would bake the incremental steps by hand but I need to animate between five and seven versions of the following: