
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I have a problem with creating a surface from 4 edge curves. 

I exploded my projected curve to obtain 4 edge curves, however, the explode command divides the curves into 8 segments in case of the panel in the middle (See attached picture 1). When exploding another panel, the command explodes the curve into 7 segments (See attached picture 2). 

Is there a solution so that the explode command explodes the curve in just 4 edges, so that I can use the 4 edge curves as input for a surface from 4 edge curves?

I tried the Patch command, but this command will not give the right curvature of the surface, so I need the surface from 4 edge curves command.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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best advice I can give without having your files. 

I am sorry, of course I can share my files, I attached them.

I tried you solution though, but I got exactly the same amount of curvatures as before, 7 curves.

I hope there is a solution if you see my files!


I am missing some plug ins you are using, I will have to look at it later. 

I think it has to do with the Project component. Instead of project, I extruded the grid and intersected. As you can see from the panel on the right, this gives four curves per grid cell. Doesn't explain the mystery, but it may solve the problem.

Thnx both of you!

The option of Michael did work too.

But another question arises when I make a surface of 4 edges.

When I compare the original surface with the surface of the 4 edges there is a deviation of 22mm in my case (see picture).

Can this deviation be prevented?

I think it has something to do with the degree of the surface?

Or should I cut my original panel into smaller pannels by extruding the grid and trim around the intersection curves to preserve the original curvatures of the shape? Or does this not make any sense?

I hope it is cleary explained for you. 


I'd definitely slice up your original surface. What is the final goal of your script? It looks like it has something to do with fabrication.

Exactly! I need to slice the original surface into smaller parts which I can produce. 

The next step is to inflate small aircushions to a certain height (the height is set by the sliced part of the original surface) so that the inflated air cushions create a mould surface (similar to the sliced elements of the original surface) to produce the elements on.

However, I do not know yet how to start this part of my project! I think kangaroo can support me with this somehow. Any suggestions are welcome:) 






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