
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hy all.

I have a request for a project where we need to design an organic shape based on a triangular structure.

Does somebody know if it is possible in GH to tessallate an organic surface with equilateral triangles and shell them or populate a corresponding 3D object after.


This sounds like an Euclidian tessallation model , right?



Thanks for any help.



Views: 746

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Hi Rodolfo,


I've developed some tools to approximate a free form within tolerance (ie you won't get perfect mathematical equal edge lengths) comprising equilateral triangle faces.  I've been applying this for a roof project I've been heping form find.  As I mentioned in my email to you, I don't feel the tools I've created thus far are generic or simple enough at this stage to include in StructDrawRhino (as I would really like to include this when possible).  Also, it hasn't been tested in depth so it's possible some surfaces might need particular attention to achieve good results.  I've used a force density approach to form find from a starting grid with some special adjustments to achieve better answers.


This blog post demonstrates the application of a force density grid alteration. 


This discussion was interesting when I was investigating how to do this: 


So for the time being, anyone interested in seeing this applied can get in contact with me and I can advise if the technique can produce the form needed and what's required to do so.











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