
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello !!

I've made a modul inspired of Erwin Hauer's works and i'm trying to morph it on a surface with the twisted box component. First i tried with the normal morph components but it didn't work because it just works with 6 faces boxes and mine are with 8 faces so i made a hexagrid with lunch box and i'm trying to rebuild the data to cut every hexagon in 2 parts to have for each hexagon 2 six faces boxes...

I've always been scared by the path mapper...

I don't understand why it doesn't work, i have data with 1 branch containing 32 elements in one side so i divide the thing by 4 because 32/4=8 cause i want 8 branches and it gives me 9 branches containing different number of elements !! Why !!??

I've linked the 3dm file and the .gh, you can download and use like you wish the modul... if someone need other Erwin Hauer's modul just contact me and i will send them to you (ifyou're too lazy to make them...;)haha).

And if someone has an advise for morphing solids in hexagrids or triangular grids tell me because i don't think i'm following the right path with my actual work...

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I THINK this will work, but I'm not quite clear on what you want as the outcome...

Instead of flattening right before the path mapper, graft. Then in the path mapper use: {A} --> {A % 8}

That will give you 8 paths (0 through 7), with N=4 and organizes the points in "rows" in the x-direction. 

Tip (apologies if you know this already): you can right-click on a component's input or output to flatten, graft, or simplify it. It saves space on your canvas and at least to my mind, makes definitions easier to understand.

I've tried like you said but nothing goes out of the path mapper... i'm not sure with the "%" but i've tried with the divide also and same thing... anyway thanks for the time spended on writing the message

It is because of your tree structure from what I can see of your screenshot. I see {0;6}, for example. This is a two, level tree, so instead of {A} you need {A; B}.

Try {A; B} --> {A; B % 8}

(Or you can simplify right before the Path Mapper so you have only one level.)

Thanks for your help but the % 8 didn't work it makes 4 lists with 8 points and i want 8 with 4.

It worked with % 4 and a flip matrix after... don't understand exactly why...

After that i put  a relative item component to rebuild the half hexagon but it makes complet shit... Does someone has an idea ?? Normaly i know how to use the relative item but now it drives me crazy why it joins lines like that ??

Please help and if someone has a better idea to morph objects in between 2 hexagrid tell me please !!!

The files


What if you use the LunchBox Hexagon Cells component instead of the Hexagonal Structure? Then you will get surfaces from which you can get the corners and split those in half?

Maybe avoiding the Path Mapper would be easier...


maybe another approach to start from?   I just rotated the base unit 30 degrees before by referencing it in.  I would guess that you could then use some variation of box morph/twisted box to apply the same thing to a curved surface?  didn't test that out so not sure it would work or not.

Thank you very much Damon !

This morning i wake up and checked my mails,i saw your advise but not your linked image so i made the same thing you made but with 3 times more components haha so i 've changed it right now but it's still not working... i don't understand the logic of the twisted box... i put exactly in the same order the points like those in the grid but it gives me complet bullshit and i've tried different combinations but same result...

Anyone has an idea ??


I've just rotate the modul in rhino and it's the good position now but the oblique sides of the morphed object has a curvature and are not straight... Anyone knows why ???

Please someone help me !! I don't think it's a big problem for those who are experienced with parametric programs but for me it is...

See also mesh duality and the plankton suite of tools:






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