
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I get the following error when usign .NET (at least c#) components:

"Could not load file or assembly '...(a bunch of numbers, sorry I can´t copy them).dll' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied."

Any clues?


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Screenshot of the full error message perhaps?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Thanks, David.

There you go!

Ah, it would seem that the assembly which is compiled from the script source cannot be loaded. If you search your hard-drives for the file bee46668-1d93-432e-93a5-a16ff49fe655.dll can it be found? And, if so, where?

It should be in the user temp folder (type %temp% in the Windows Explorer path bar to go there quickly).

What I'd like to know is whether the temp folder is on your local machine or whether it's on a network drive.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Hi David,

the file bee46668-1d93-432e-93a5-a16ff49fe655.dll is finally in the temp folder:


What should I do to make it load correctly?

I'm not sure unfortunately. It seems you do not have permission to load dll files from your own Temp folder, which is decidedly odd. The fact that Grasshopper starts at all means you can at least load some dlls files.

What permissions do you have for your Temp folder?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Many thanks for your reply, David.

It seems I have every permission! This is the first time this kind of thing happens. No idea what´s going on.

I´ve been uninstalling all software recently, it was mainly Java older updates. I reckon it has nothing to do with this?

I've never seen this before, so I certainly don't want to rule anything out, though it does seem unlikely that java would have anything to do with .NET assembly loading and Windows permissions.

Can you try running Rhino5 with administrator priviliges:

After this I'm pretty much out of ideas.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


It was exactly that. I can´t believe my eyes.

Many many thanks for your help, David.

Well, even though it fixes the problem, it shouldn't have happened in the first place. Your security permissions must be unusually tight.

I may be able to fix it by not writing the dlls to the disk at all but rather compile them directly into memory. In that case error messages will no longer have line numbers, but that's obviously less bad than not being able to run the scripts at all.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria






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