
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Error: Solution exception: An entry with the same key already exists



I am building a model in GH with a single link to one (closed valid) brep in rhino. After I redefined the brep to another brep I recieved multiple error messages that won't disappear anymore. Restarting rhino, re-referencing the brep doesn't solve the error.


it seems to be linked to the simplify option. It happens when I use the simplify option on "cull i" as well as when a add a simplify component!


How can this be solved?


In the attachments I've put both error elements.


Kind regards,







Views: 954


Replies to This Discussion

Something similar happened to me too, always when applying post processing and I think it was simplify too.

Also tried to copy all to a new document but this didn't solve anything. Neither the memory setting in developersettings.


It also gives a recursive data stream error, however there is no recursive path in use, neither the hoopsnake is in use.

It seems to be created in my sheet by the SInt component.


It occurs when an array of surfaces intersect with a solid (box, cube) from the start to the end of the brep and the surface is in the same plane as the bottom surface of the brep. The first SInt can't create a solid because no volume is created (surface and solid wil result in a surface intersection). In this case the datatree structure will show like this.














If in this case a datatree simplification is selected then the error is created.


This is happening to me A LOT!  The more I require things to be in very ordered lists, the more I am playing grasshopper 'gardener,' shifting, mapping, and cleaning the tree... One good and bad thing about grasshopper is that is handles 'data matching.'  This is good because it is tolerant in many situations (unlike a script which might require strict data management), but bad because you end up with the situation you point to above.  I have found that its just easiest to nip it in the bud early on and keep track of the tree as strictly as possible.  This way you can really take advantage of the functionality versus having to play gardener.  Even so, it feels like a burden at times being so vigilant about the data structure...

I can repeat that, looking into it now.

Thanks for doing the digging.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia



Another question..maybe a similar/related cause.


In a similar issue when intersection a solid with a plane. When the intersection plane lies exactly inplane with a solid face it will result in a double intersection. This will result in two items on the same branch.


Thanks for the replies








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