
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Djordje

During testing, I found some bug or something similar :) please see belowNext thing is, a misleading in the components requiring MapView installation it sais you need to give it to install folder but actually you need to provide the folder the "Master code"



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Thank you for the detailed explanation, screenshots and solution Mathieu!!

I am wondering if this may be caused by not installing the MapWinGIS an as administrator in Windows 10? I can't test this, as I do not know anyone around me with Windows 10.

Let me know if there are other issues or improvements.

Thank you once again!


You're welcome !

For now, the only problem is that I'm stuck at 2.5km2 maximum area. If I go higher, the definition don't generate anything, even after more than 30min, it just freeze with background running but I kill it cause too long.

But great plugin ! I stay aware of any update.


Hi Mathieu,

1) What is the radius_ input that you are trying to use?

2) It is recommended to run a single component per time, and then once that component has been ran, you proceed to the other.

Do you run a single component per time? After running of which component, does Grasshopper get stuck?
You might have to wait more than 30 minutes. Maybe you can leave your PC turned on during the night, and see what will happen in the morning?

3) What are your latitude_ and longitude_ inputs coordinates?


1) I would like to have a total area of 9km2 at least, so a radius_input of 1500. For now, I'm stuck at 700 max otherwise the definition keeps trying forever. I also notice that sometimes the OSM 3D component fails with the error "no OSM shapes (...) for the given keys and values". I choose another radius size like 690 and then it works.

2) I do as you said, I run one component, wait for it to finish, and then I start the next one. I have already wait for like 40-45min but no luck, so I force to quit, but maybe I have to wait a lot more indeed. In fact, I have made myself a definition to generate big area of cities (simplier without checking the OSM keys and values, but just generating a random height for buildings), and it takes around 5 or 10 mins for 15km2. So I was not very patient you right !

3) My coordinates are Lat = 48.8153457190005 / Lon = 2.41209920300042

Hi Mathieu,

Thank you for the detailed replies and testing!!

1) Would it be too much if you would check if this behavior repeats with the newest Gismo components? You can download either the or I think the reason why you had upper problem may have been fixed.

2) Ok, glad it worked! With my prehistoric PC, I sometimes need to leave it turned on all night long so that OSM 3D component can create buildings over a couple of hours.

3) I checked the location now. It seems that Paris in general is very poorly documented in when it comes to 3d data (having some of the following keys: height, min_height, building:levels...). But maybe this may be able to be somewhat improved by using "randomHeightRange_" input of "OSM 3D". The way you are doing it now manually with random extruding shapes. Still I may need your help on this, with testing.


1) Still the error "1. No 3D shape (building or tree) could be created with the supplied _values of _keys" even with the new example files you provided above. It appears when the radius is set to 750, on the same coordinates above too. For a radius of 700 or 800, no problem at all.

2) For a radius of 700 it takes around 9min to generate the buildings, otherwise if I increase the radius over 800 it's the same forever processing time, unfortunately.

3) Yes, Paris OSM data are not very well documented. Maybe I didn't explain myself correctly before, I wanted to say that I have made a definition using other plugins (Mosquito and Heron) for generate simple extruded and random height buildings from footprints. With these ones the generating time is around 20min for a 15km2 area on the same location.

I send you my definition using gismo to show you how I proceed, maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I think not. Just ask if you need anything, glad to help if I can.


Thank you again for the detailed replies Mathieu!

1) I tried running your file with 750 radius, and didn't get the "No 3D shape (building or tree) could be created with the supplied _values of _keys" notice.
I tried running the "OSM 3D" component first with groundTerrain_ input. As I did not get the upper notice message, I closed down the whole Rhino so that I cut the waiting time. Then I tried running it without the groundTerrain_ input, and in some 15 minutes I got the following buildings:

I think I may understand what was causing the problem: when one takes large radii, it covers large areas, and with this area comes large number of information (keys and values). You can get hundreds of keys (or thousands). What can happen is that: these hundreds of keys, can exceed shapefile's capacity to story keys. So basically in case of radius 750 meters your "height" or "buildings:levels" keys somehow slipped beyond this allowable capacity. In case of 800 meters they were somehow allowed to enter (a bit bad term sorry) before the allowable capacity is reached. This depends on the number of keys named with letters which precede the "h" and "b".
The best way to solve this issue is to know which data do you actually need, and use the "OSM Keys" component to generate the list of needed keys. In this way, only those keys that you need will be used, others will be disregarded.
You do not even have to use the "OSM Keys" component if you know which specific keys you exactly need. Check the attached file below. I grouped the "OSM Keys" solution as "a" and a custom defined list of keys as "b".

2) The component running time might now be cut with picked "requiredKeys_" input I mentioned at the end the previous 1) part.

3) "OSM 3D" component's "randomHeightRange_" input is suppose to do exactly that: to randomly create 3d buildings (or 3d trees) when there are no valid "height" or "buildings:levels" tags.

I have just changed one line the "OSM shapes" component code.
I wonder if it would make any problem on your PC.
Please let me know if file works.



1) I understand what you mean. Good idea to target only the building informations, before making the OSM 3D shapes.

I tried your definition, and almost like you, the generation of the 3D buildings takes around 10-15 minutes too. And no error when filtering with you b panel (building informations), but when no filter with the keys, I get this : "

1. Solution exception:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index"

It's not a big deal anymway, I can make the 3D buildings playing with the required keys or radius. I'll keep update for any news on your plugin and the github repo !

Thank you for being patent up until now Mathieu,

I didn't understand you the last part: when you have the "b" yellow panel plugged-in to requiredKeys_ input of the "OSM Shapes" component, like so:

then both "OSM Shapes" and "OSM 3D" components work ok, and you get the 3d buildings in 10-15 minutes.

But when you unplug the yellow "b" panel from the requiredKeys_ input (and leave that input empty), then "OSM Shapes" component works, but with "OSM 3D" component you get the mentioned error message?

Hi Djordje,

Sorry for the long time away, my computer died 2 weeks ago...

What I was saying is exactly what you said too, when I unplugged the "b" panel the "OSM3D" wasn't working. But I just recheck tonight, and everything seems to be good this time. With and without the "b" panel plug.

I'm late, I have to try your new release now, I hope have time to do this next week !

Hi Mathieu,

No need for apology. We all have our obligations I perfectly understand that. Sorry to hear that your PC died.
Glad that now it works. There has been a couple of bug fixes since the first release, so things will go a bit smoother now. There will probably be more bugs to report, but hopefully they will be reported and fixed.
Hope to hear more from you in the next couple of weeks, both advises and possible bug reports if they exist!





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