
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi every body.

when i do true boolean toggle and run energy simulation ,it dosent work. and the eror is no data was collected

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I have good news and bad news for you.

The good ones are that the geometry is fixed now and the simulation runs. You can understand from what i did what are the differences.

The bad news are that the IDF is indeed asking for surfaces report but the results are not reporting. Checking the CSV file i can see that the relevant columns name don't have the name of the zone so i suspect it is related.

I also included updated component for the E+Run and results (grouped at the right) since they complain saying:

1. Solution exception:'EPZone' object has no attribute 'natVent'

I think i reported this one but i'm not sure i did, so ... here it is (maybe again). Unfortunately such an error don't allow the simulation to be done at all.



thank you for replying Abraham.

i open your file but i see this error: 1. Solution exception:honeybee_OpenStudioStandardsFile

but i copy the open standard open studio file in c:lady bug but yet has the same eror. i cant fix this

Maryam, Make sure to also check C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug folder.

If you are experiencing any issues with downloading gendaymtx, OpenStudio libraries and other Ladybug and Honeybee files, you can download all the files from this link as a .zip file and manually extract it to Ladybug folder: (

You can find ladybug default folder by checking the output of Ladybug_Ladybug component. It should be c:\ladybug or C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug depending on your user permissions.

Hi Abraham and Maryam,

To get results in surface level you need to use a different component (readEPSurfaceResults). The file is attached.

The other issue is because of new implementation of natural ventilation. A set of properties should be added to HBZone class and re_Evaluate zone. I will check it in 2015! ;) Thanks for reporting (



thank you Mostapha. thank you for replying very much. but my honey bee also have same error.


Are you sure that you copied all the files to both folders that I mentioned?

What is the output of Honeybee_Honeybee component? Does it import constructions and schedules?

yes i am sure that copy this file. but i copy this file in c:lady bug path. and i dont have this path in my pc:c/user/amiri/app data/roaming/lady bug


Thanks. As you can see in your image you need to copy them to 


Once you copied the files, disable and enable Honeybee_Honeybee. You shouldn't see Download failed! message anymore. 

yes its become ok.thank you very very much .

Hi Mostapha,

Another one for 2015 ... sorry.

Connecting the readEPSurfaceResults output results to the ColorSurfaces component gives the following eror:

1. None of the connected srfData could be matched with the surfaces in the connected HBZones. Note that this component does not currenlty work for curved geometry E+ simulations because the surfaces are broken up and meshed in order to run it through E+.

Any ideas?



The same here. I assume that this should be fixed now.

Hi Abraham, It turned out to be an issue with one of the recent commits. If you use the latest Honeybee_Honeybee component it should all work fine.






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