
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am new to Grasshopper. I am trying to draw a map as I study landscape architecture. I have downloaded the elk plugin (the latest) and after unblocking the files, I dropped them in the library folder. I restarted Rhino and GH and most of the components are missing. I only have one panel, the elk one, with 3 components inside. 

Can you please help me to solve the problem?

Thank you

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Elk2 only has three components. The older version has eight.

How can I get the older version? Which version is the best to work with?

By downloading version 0.6.1 from Food4Rhino. You can probably do everything you want with Elk2, but I've found having the old version helps in a few cases.

Thank very much for your help. I was able to solve it all.

There's a video I posted that explains how the newer version of how the plugin works:

If you look through my other stuff on Vimeo you'll run across a video that covers an older version (probably somewhere around 0.3) but I'm not sure it's a very helpful video.  The version it shows has some outdated (non-existent) inputs to some of the components and there's no audio to explain what's happening as the video goes along. 






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