
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a list which contains data in the sub-sub-sub-sub branch 0;0;0;0;0

How can I move this data to the 0;1 sub-branch?


thank you.

Views: 453

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Path Mapper component {A;B;C;D;E} --> {A:B}


Note: if this doesn't get what you need then you are going to clarify exactly how and what you need reassigning.

I plugged my list input into the "Path Mapper" component, and I got an error mesage:


Floating Parameter Path Mapper failed to collect data


I tried plugin the "data" parameter into the list output first, and then from "data" parameters output to "Path Mapper" component, but I got the same error message as above.



I have a problem with the Giulio Piacentino`s "bakeAttributes" component. As far as I understood him, in order to assign each layer to each color in that component, both color and layer outputs need to have the sub-branch level, which not the case in my definition.

So I am trying to lover down the sub-branch level of one of layers on the level of colors.


I am apologizing if I am not using the right terminology.

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