
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here in the image you see with edge surface the border is left out and returned as null. I assume this is because surfaces from edge can be more than 4 points but I feel maybe there can be some check if the surface is a valid non trimmed 3-4 point surface. Have a look. Thanks. 

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The top surface (the planar one) is actually a trimmed surface such that the bounding box of the curve is found and then the surface gets trimmed to fit the closed curve. 

The 4 point surface has its UV domain based on the 4 points so it divides perfectly. 

you could explode the curve and make an "edge surface" but that seems like a silly workaround

the way you can verify the trimming is to plug the surface directly into a panel and see if it says "trimmed" or "untrimmed" surface

if it is "trimmed" then the UV coordinates are simply falling off the surface.

good luck

Well I understand why. I was just wondering if a future version of this component can self check for 4 points thus creating an untrimmed surface.

Hi Michael,

I came across the same problem like yours. And my plane is not rectangle. How do you solve this problem?







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