
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here are some demo's of remeshing with Plankton combined with some relaxation functions from Kangaroo.

(Similar to what I described here:

The first is a simple remeshing aiming for equal edge lengths, while the second also allows interpolation between multiple target lengths, and also optimizes for circle packing.

They require the latest version of Kangaroo to run.


More explanations to follow soon


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I just wanted to say, thankyou, for letting us be able to do this. truely wonderful stuff. Any one of these projects would be equivalent to a masters or PHd thesis in computational geometry. 

hi daniel script eror, i hew: kangaroo 0099, plankton 3.0

1. Error (CS1705): Assembly 'GH_Kangaroo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' uses 'RhinoCommon, Version=5.1.30000.13, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=552281e97c755530' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'RhinoCommon, Version=5.1.30000.9, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=552281e97c755530'

helph this problem please, thanks ypou wary much

Hi Dafik,

If you have the latest Kangaroo, there is no need to download this script, as the MeshMachine component included as part of Kangaroo is actually more recent than the one posted here.

Hi Daniel, I was hoping to use the varied radius (shepard's method) circle packing script which I can not get to load with the latest dlls. How can I create this using MeshMachine?

Hi Daniel!

Is there any possibilities in meshmashine to vary the density of the mesh in certain places by attractors in latest kangaroo?

Or is it possible to match the mesh to the points or to the curve within the mesh?

Hi Daniel,

This is amazing work. (I am constantly amazed by your energy to keep developing this awesome set of tools, thanks).

This is now getting extremely close to making kangaroo the perfect tool for re-meshing for computational Fluid Dynamics cases.

Is it possible yet to mesh with kangaroo to create a 3D volumetric mesh within a domain? 

IE the model itself is meshed using this adaptive mesh and defined as a boundary wall, but the 3D space 'surrounding' the surface is also meshed adaptively. 

IE something like this ...

This possible shows it a little more clearly. It has everything you are doing, dynamically increasing meshing in areas with more curves and proximity (when looking at the boundary areas)

I'm also very interested in results like this, Andrew. Have you found any solution yet?

Warm regards,


Hi Oliver,

Not other than existing Open Source meshing programs (mostly command line or Linux based) - OpenFoam's SnappyHexMesh and a few others), but the ability to do this in Kangaroo, would be fantastic. - Hint Hint

The ability to set a domain case for CFD analysis in OpenFoam would be even more amazing - Hint Hint Hint

To be able to get Kangaroo, to use OpenFoam as part of it's library and get results all inside of Grashopper would be simply amazing, Hint hint hint hint!!

it would make the ONLY CFD analysis software in Rhino/Grasshopper available (A situation I am constantly surprised at considering Rhino/Grasshopper has FSI analysis, amongst other physical simulation options.

Good luck!

Hi Andrew +1 to all above hints/requests. Would be ace to have openfoam access in gh.
Question - what FSI option are you referring to? I've had no luck in finding such an analysis option within gh.
Ahha. Yeah. Both of those are structures. Also add Karamba3d to your list. Fingers crossed for fluids analysis at some point






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