
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've been working on a small definition that i think could be quite useful, and i thought i'd share it to get some feedback, ideas, improvements etc...

It basically takes a building outline, and then generates a volume and indicates floorplates, according to these inputs:

Ground floor height
Typical floor height
Number of floors including ground
Floorplate depth

The user is then provided with a read-out of:

Typical floor area
Gross floor area
Building height
Building volume
Elevation surface area (each elevation toggled through by a slider)

So it's easy to change any values, or drag the shape of the plan using edit points, and get instant feed back on areas etc... Also, add a shape(s) within the building plan to indicate cores to exclude from the useable floor area.

This isn't a new idea by any means: Video links are sadly no longer active however.

I think it could be a really useful little tool, it's quite a simple definition at the moment. I'm working on a version that could handle multiple building types, and so be used for getting an area read-out for a masterplan proposal for example. Not too sure how this will work in any kind of tidy way though, could clusters play a part? - I'm not too sure how or when to use them.

Also, i'm testing an idea of inputting the gross area required and then the building adjusting as the shape of the plan is changed.

Any other ideas/improvement/or especially advice would be very welcome. In any case, i hope you find it a useful start.



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Would it be possible to have a 'mode' component? To allow the user to toggle through modes 1, 2, 3, 4 etc... where a mode component was linked to a set of sliders. Each mode recalls a set of values last inputted. Then it would be possible to use the same group of components and sliders, but toggle through a whole heap of options without manually re-adjusting each slider?

Like modes on a camera, storing settings and being able to recall each set of values at will.

Hey David,
I have been doing a lot of work lately doing a lot of these calcs in excel, and using the numbers to generate number of floors etc for different types of units in GH. I am doing it through gHowl. I will try to write something up soon.
Thanks for the reply Luis,
I'll take a closer look at what you're doing with gHowl. It sounds good, i'm looking forward to seeing what you've been working on.
How we work here is not so much by pre-defining a desired floor area - although there is a minimum, but we tend to work on how a scheme looks visually, and then review the gross floor areas, modify blocks, reassess and so on. A trial and error sort of process. (perhaps thats the problem)!
What i'm trying to get my definition to do is to work around issuing building types of set f>f heights and numbers of floors etc, but then also allow for modifying individual blocks within the building type.
I thought if there was this 'mode' type of component available it could drastically cut down the number of components in a definition. Allowing me to bake a result, then move on to the next building type... Thinking out loud.

Appreciate your thoughts.

Hi David!!

I am trying to do the EXACT same things as you've described above. Have you made any progress on the codes or have any updates you could share?

Also, with the code you've shared, are the components in meters?








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