
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does anyone understands Catmull-Rom interpolation?

I've managed to do an implementation of Catmull-Rom splines using Bezier Spans, even though I don't completly understand the math involved.

My objective was to be able to constrain the curve to avoid the overshooting that the native interpolate occasionally does. I was able to constrain the max distance from the curve to the control polygon controlling the length of the vectors.

The problem is I don't really know how to resolve the start and end segments. I put together a hack but I'm a bit unsure about it.

Also I would like some critique on the definition itself.

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BTW: Interesting thread where the Master talks and explains things:

You've just sent me on a reading spiral of c# stuff by Jon Skeet...

Heavy stuff.

Ok I think I got it - if I declare the variables as public, I can just use them in the methods without having to pass them. 

Thanks for all the tips. Still a lot to learn...

Jon Skeet, John Sharp, J/B Albahari = The 3 (4 actually) top dogs on C# matters.

BTW: Say that you want to do this type of recursion:

The usage of public variables yields a far neater code (see Fold Method) than using locals and passing them to Methods in locomotive like lines:

I'm probably missing something but wouldn't a while loop instead of recursion do the same thing? 

Here's a task for you during the long winter nights (or the short summer ones):

Replace recursion with while/do and discover the truth out there.


I can't be sure because of the random nature of the algorithm, but it seems to be working without recursion...


Recursion is very frustrating, if you do something wrong you risk an endless loop... Anyway, I've done an interesting recursive thing, used your tips. Check it out:


Recursion is like riding a superbike: avoid if there's some issue with the brakes (or you like hospital food/mortuary).






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