
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is there any plan to document all the Grasshopper components in a similar fashion as the Rhino tools, with a description and example of usage ?

It would probably reduce the flow of newb-posting ...



Views: 1895

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Hi Olivier,

I can not reply to your question, but maybe this will help:

Some components do have an examples documented - right click on them, and choose "Help". A description of usage can be found in the same place too.

About the basic questions on Rhino, it is probably better to start with some of the pdf books for beginners (like Grasshopper Primer or Generative algorithms), or/and video tutorials.
All of these can be found here:

Hi Djordje,

Most of the components that I don't use yet have any example in their help box.

Examples provides are not put in a relevant context to illustrate what they do.

Even RhinoScript has little code samples to show what a method does...

Apart from that, it's only text ; there is no illustration.

This is kind of un-grasshopperish.

I suppose that it made no sense to put much effort there in the beginning, but as it is now becoming a mature tool, I think it's time to raise the level of online help to the same level of quality as the tool itself.

Kangaroo is an even more glaring example of great tool which lacks proper documentation...




Yes this plan exists. In fact we have begun working on the new help system (a total redesign) this month. I do not know when the first new content will go out, that's probably several months away.


David Rutten

ÖBB, Austria

Great to hear... Thanks in advance David!!

Preparing for 1.0 ?






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