
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

dividing a list into several sub lists (grid division)

Hello there! new to grasshopper

i'm trying to make vertical curve divisions on the edges of my grid's V direction curves so i can evantually connect them with a polyline. 

the thing is i had trouble rearranging my data. as you can see in the attached files i rearranged my divison points list using the sublist component, and manged to make it work but this way i am kind of limited in my number of divisons, i would have to use a single sublist component for every line of division points, which is obviously not a smart thing to do (=

what i would like to do is divide a single list (my division points list) into several sublists which correspond to the number of divisions on my V direction edges, so that these points can then be used to draw U direction lines through, easly controlling their number.

i am aware that there might be an easier way to come about this task, i would be glad to hear any kind of suggestions.

thank you very much for your time,


Views: 643


Replies to This Discussion

hello Alon

since you want to work with the grids V lines you can try the following.

its a bit complicated, like a data trees exercise, because of the way the V grid lines are outputed from deconstruct brep component. perhaps someone can find a shorter version.



thank you alex! that really helped!






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