
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi i am new to grasshopper and still trying to find my way around.

Does anyone know how to divide a circle in 6... ?

I have a hexagon (6 sides) i am wanting to connect my circles to the sides of my hexagon.... but i am unable to find the tool?

Please help


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Do you mean like this?components are: polygon>Brep Components>Cirlce

Hi Michael,

thank you for getting back to me so quickly!

I mean, my circles are in the centre of the hexagons, I need to connect the two elements together. The only way i can think of doing that, is by

splitting the circle and joining the points to the hexagon...

then making a surface.....


Oh so like thisThe part in purple will let you rotate the seam of the top circles, allowing a twisting effect. attached is the definition and rhino file. Let me know if you have questions.


Or like this?Components are: Polygon>Brep components>Evaluate curve>Fit circle through points. NOTE: rightclick the c input of evaluate curve and click reparametrize. This will set the length (domain) of any line from 0-1 letting .5 give you the center of the line.

Michael, thank you very much for your help. This is exactly what i was looking for, i love the moving circles too!






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