
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I need to design a facade that is composed of perforated metallic panels, each panel´s dimension is 1.02 x 2.34 m. I have manage to divide the surface in these dimensions, but after splitting the surface I can not divide the subsurfaces. Every time I connect the divide surface component the points appear all over the original surface instead of the new subsurfaces. I have been trying to fix this definition for several days and haven´t found the solution. Please help me with a suggestion on how to keep going so I can proceed with the definition and start working with the attractors to obtain perforated surfaces. 

I attach the files in which I have been working and and image of a reference. 

Views: 385


Replies to This Discussion

Another "Trimmed & Untrimmed" problem...

Why is there no question about the "trimmed surface" in the FAQ section?

Check attachment.(Red group)


Thank you Hyungsoon Kim, I appreciate your help. 






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