
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I created a series of curves that intersect each other and now I want to get the length of each of the segments of the curves, from one intersection to the other.

I tried creating subcurves, but the result is a bunch of other points along the curve. This method works when I try to get the lenght of the segments of just one o curve, but not when I try to do them together. My last attempt was shatter the curve, and that's the closest result I've gotten. It gives me segments along the curves, but not from the point I have.

The image shows the points creating the curve, ultimately some of them where the curves intersect with each other, and also shows the segments I've gotten by shattering the curve, not exactly where I want the shatter, that would be on the same points.

I'm not very good at this. I've just been working with GH for the last month, so I don't know much of the mathematical stuff. Thank you for looking in to it.

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because you are shattering with distances. You need to shatter with t values. You can hover over any input and it will inform you the data you need to use. I cant really understand your definition as it is not really parametric, If it ever comes to a point you need to use that many explodes then you are not taking advantage of lists and you might as well do things manually. I assure you there is a better way. However attached is a small example image of how shatter works. 

Hi Michael, thanks for your reply. I know that part of the definition is not efficient, but that was the only way I could create the curves I needed. But that's not my problem right now.

What I am doing in the definition is creating points in reference with each other and then constructing a group of curves with altering the order of the points. I had to explode the tree of point, because that was the only way I could create the path of point I needed, I'm sure there was a much simpler, and as you say parametric way of doing it, but I couldn't figure it out, but I got the result I needed, as shown on the picture below.

I'm trying to get the lengths now of segments of each curve. I can get them if I select curve by curve, but again, that wouldnt be parametric. 

But when I apply this method for the list of curves, it creates a subcurve outside the points.

The yellow line is the subcurve I would have expected.

That's way I've been trying with shatter, and from other Discussion here, this is what I have found and apparently for other curves it worked. This definition would shatter the curve in the points given, but not in mine.


No need for curve closest point and dispatch. Discontinuity outputs "t" values already per curve. Shatter with them while grafting the curves. Then you can cycle each curves sub curves by shifting paths and simplifying the tree into a tree branch component. 


Michael, thank you so much!

I have to be honest I'm still processing the logic of it, but that's exactly what I was looking for. I may now have to improve the creation of the curve part of my definition.

Thanks again!






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