
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

aaah this drives me crazy! I have a problem with Grasshopper and the preview in Rhino. I didn't find sth in the discussions. I work with Rhino 5 and GH 08.0066. If I activate for example any element in rhino that is next to the previewed GH stuff it fully appears but without it looks like the one beneath. Has someone an idea? Thanks for any help!

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any news / ideas about this?

It's hard to see what's going on, but is it a near/far clipping plane bug? I.e. is everything closer than X units to the camera invisible?

Reason for this could be that the bounding boxes or clipping boxes for the geometry are not correctly computed. But I need to know how they are created and which object is drawing them (mesh parameter, geometry parameter, script component, ...?)


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hey David, thanks for your reply! I just reopened it to check it again and now, there is no problem with it, I have no clue what was going on yesterday I reopened it several times but the bug was still there, today is nothing^^ :) it is curious!

If I got some probs like that again I will send i to you! Thanks anyway!

Hey David,
me again, the same error again, here you can see the screencaps and I attached my files. The original Def is made by 3D-dreaming, I rebuild it:
one with the error:here I activated the surface and then it is normal / visible:


I can't repeat it. It's clearly a clipping problem though. Do you have any other plugins loaded that draw stuff in the viewports?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

No it is only rhino and Grasshopper. No other plugin is running.

This has happened to me before when using very wide view angles, I believe I just focus on the GH object with the magnifying glass in grasshoppers radial menu and it fixes it.

I restarted my PC, tried it with the magnifying glass but no, no way, still this clipping problem! Maybe I have to reinstall it or I will first try rhino 4 if it is still the same.

Thanks for your proposal!

OK Rhino 4, there is no problem with it! I don't know, ... I will reinstall it soon, if I have some time left!

Thanks for oyur help!

Same for me. 5's display is shot, 4 works fine.

Did nothing but regular beta updates. Last time I ran GH on this PC was April. Not sure if this was rhino 4 or 5 but everything worked fine back then.

This is a clean new file with nothing but two points an the preview geometry. Clipping obviously inludes the two rhino points only.

Running Win7 x64

Dual ATI Radeon HD 6900 (I believe, Catalyst updated some days ago.)

at least the clipping made a cool surface in plan ;)

rotating in the perspective viewport looks pretty funky too :D






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