
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello again all,


Thanks a lot for the help everyone has put into my project work, it is developing along nicely.


At the moment I am trying to improve the design of a friend of mine for a diagrid structure that you can see in the grasshopper file. I have two modules, the bottom one is the one I am seeking to improve (which has a limit) and the one at the top is the beginning of a limitless model.


What I am trying to get the system to do is to draw lines from points in two data trees. I was hoping that the lines would be drawn from one branch of one tree and another branch from another tree, then continue to (branch + 1) in both trees and repeat until the end of the data trees.


However I dont know how to manipulate the trees and to develop this process any further than setting up the two data trees as shown in the GH module. Does anyone know how to take the next step with this idea?



Views: 638


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what for you need the prune component? the starting point and the ending point are the same. Thats why there is no line visible


Best Regards


maybe you are looking for this (as you write about diagridwork)


Best Regards






Thank you so much. I hadn't considered going down this path using Flip etc.


This forum is pretty great, getting to see the variable solutions that people come up with! Once again thanks for your time.






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