
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Determining the maximum distance from the point lying on the line to another lin

Hello colleagues!

please tell me with amusing puzzles. have arbitrary line of red in the middle of them foreseeing the green line of gravity. you need to find a point lying on the red lines but the maximum distance from the Green Line !?

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Draw a circle located on the green line, perpendicular to these lines with radius greater than the spacing of these lines, measure the distance between the circle and lines, and the lowest of these distances is the referene of the farthest line.

Thank you very much for the answer,  

not quite sure how to do this we define the cylinder and its radius

Frame => plane at t = 0.5 of Green line, t = (0~1).

Radius => large enough so that all lines are inside the circle.

Circle => from Frame and Radius

Distances => Curve Proximity component (Red Lines, Circle)

Sort red lines => Sort list component (Distances, red lines)

farthest line = Firt element of sort red lines list.


thank you very much for the answer
I did as you wrote
I understand that the true test we found the distances from the red line to the circle, and then need to subtract? or not?


Upload the 3dm or internalize the lines.

Here u have two approachs.



it distances from the points lying on the red line to the green line minimum the display?
because I think that for this circuit distances should be more !?

may have a different algorithm to search for the most distant point lying on red lines !?






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