
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Does anyone have experience of studying at TU Delft? I've got an offer to study one term at a master's program in the area of building engineering. However, I have qualifications for the field of architecture too, so basically I can pick some courses there as well.

My question is if anyone has some tips on good courses (which are running on the upcoming fall term) in the field of parametric design at TU Delft? It can be both courses on the department of building engineering and the department of architecture.

I’d love to get some inside tips (: Thanks alot.

Views: 2009

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Haha, so you really want to force this into a discussion about sociology.

...anyhow, does a fancy looking voronoy-facade necessarily make a building parametric?

he he,

ich habe die erfahrung gemacht, dass die soziologische büchern mehr wissen über architektur vermitteln, als die architektur bücher. das haben auch die parametrizisten verstanden. :D

damit ich von dir nicht missverstanden werde, verweise ich auf eine möglichkeit, wie es sein könnte.






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