
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I get the curves from exploding the curve net works, but some of them have double curves at one location. How can I delete the extra duplicated curves?

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Without script and if curves are in good order something like this could work

extract curve points,

select the first, second ... whatever, 


difference between X(i) and x(i+1)

cull list

select output A

Thanks! Laurent!

I did this, but the output of A from Dispatch is the same with the original curves component.

what do you mean by curves in good orders? I just flatten the exploded curves from curve network.

If you cannot go back and change your logic to produce only the set of curves you want then you can always use Daniel Piker's [Remove Duplicate Lines] component (included in Kangaroo) which will remove all duplicates based on the same start and end points.

Yes,now I am using this component for lines but not for curves.

waiting for the component for curves!


It will still work on curves within reason

What I mean by good order is that say you have curves A and B

if the order is AAAABBB its is good but if AABABAB it will not work.

As I manage to open your file (I hadn't paneling tool) I understood that curves where not ordered.So I sorted them. I reduced the number of curves but sometime that destroyed other curves. SO I think you need something more robust with a precision like duplicate lines but which work for curves. Pherphas you could ake a script who compare boundingbox, (center and size) or comparing beginning and ending points (saying also that you have to control if a curve is not inverted (end = begining ...). Good luck.

Thank you for your explain.

Thanks! Laurent!






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