
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Here is a definition that populates a sufaces with points and then triangulate the points using Proximity component.

I would have wanted to cull all the overlapping lines that created when joining points.

By doing a Set Difference between the initial Populate points and the MCX of all intersection, i extracted the points that were made by those overlapping intersections.

I would like to Cull the curves on which thoses point are. Either culling 1 or both lines.

On this screen capture, white points are the one created by the populate.

The triangulation create new intersections.

The blue points are the one that are created by the overlapping curves.

I thought it wouldnt be hard to cull curves using points, but i've been trying a whole night without success.

I hope someone may know how to do this.

Thank you very much

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Hi. In my opinion,  this would be much more efficient way.



Thank you for your answer!

Although you have less duplicate points, I think the problem is still unsolved :

As you can see on the image, the white circles represent the interesctions created by the triangulation.

My goal is to delete the lines where there is an intersection. It can either be both of the lines (blue and red) that go through that point, either one of them (blue or red).

I thought i could use the intersecting point to delete the line, but i cant find the right function for that.

Thank you for your help!

Something like this?


That's it!

I tried this component but i had no knowledge about how iA iB tA tB worked.

Im gonna read about this.

Thank you for your very precious help for me to learn grasshopper!






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