
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Definition of the most remote point in the group of the line

Hello colleagues
please help to determine the maximum distance from a specific point of the Green Line are grouped around this green line.

I get that the grasshopper determines distance from all lines to all points

the image shows that it is necessary to define the maximum distance from the points lying just around and in close proximity to the Green Line

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Colleagues, please tell me on the issue articulated above.

tell me how can I expand the point about green lines in groups. and then find their distance from the line around which they lie?

Hi Gotzman,

Sorry, but i wasn't able to understand what are you saying.

In your .3dm file there are some green vertical lines.

Above each line there is a small point cloud and also the same under each line.

You want to find the maximum distance between those two clouds for each green line?

Is this?

Sorry again, I can't understand what you wrote.


Riccardo, Thank you for responding, infinitely grateful to you, it is very important to me

I write in great detail, because of the difficulties of translation duplicates twice in different words

around each green line has a point cloud.
you need to find the most distant point from the cloud is only around a specific and each green line, not to determine the distance to a point near the other green line?

There are a number of green lines
near each has its own cloud of points
you need to determine the most remote point in the cloud lies around a specific green line?

I get what I determined by the distance from all the green lines to all points at once.
it is not right
in fact you need to locate a choice of distances from each specific green line until only the point cloud around it !?

Hi again Gotzman,

Thanks you for reexplaining yourself.

Have a look at the definition here attached, use it with the .3dm file you posted before or by reselecting the geometries.

Descriptions inside, let me know if something is unclear.

Bye :D







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